Social and Emotional Learning

Social & Emotional Learning

Rosary School places student mental health and wellbeing as a priority for life long learning and growth.

Social and Emotional Learning is taught explicitly in each class using The Resilience Project.  The Resilience Project is committed to teaching positive mental health strategies to prevent mental ill health and build young people's capacity to deal with adversity.

Teachers and students will engage in weekly lessons and activities around the key principles of Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness and Emotional Literacy to build resilience.

Chaplain and School Counsellor

At Rosary School, we have a school counsellor and a school chaplain.  Our school chaplain is available all week and our school counsellor three days per fortnight.   Both the chaplain and counsellor support students and families.  They can be involved in a wide variety of pastoral care issues including health, social and emotional wellbeing and spiritual support.