10 September 2020

Catholic Education South Australia

News from the Principal

Dear Families,

It is hard to believe that it is the end of week 8! It was wonderful to see so many of the Transition parents attending the Parent Teacher meetings this week.
The partnership between families and school is vital in supporting your child’s learning and wellbeing.


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School Fees to reduce across all Catholic Diocesan Primary Schools

The South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools has announced that it will make Catholic education more affordable by lowering the school fees of every Catholic diocesan primary school in 2021 under its Making Catholic Education More Affordable initiative.
The exact level of fee reduction in each diocesan primary school will vary from school to school to take into account their circumstances and the needs of their families.

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RU OK? Day


Last Thursday it was Australia’s national R U OK? Day. It is a time when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, “Are you OK?” if someone in your world is struggling with life’s ups and downs.

2020 has been a challenging year for everyone and circumstances have made it even more important for us all to stay connected and, for those who are able, be willing to support those around us.


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Sports Committee News

The Sports committee met last week to plan the summer sports program. If you are interested in your child playing basketball or cricket next term, please come to one of the meetings scheduled for Tuesday next week. A note was sent home last week.
For more information click on the link below:




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Sacramental Program

It was lovely to see our Confirmation candidates and their families come along to the first information session held on Monday night in the school gym.

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Prayer of the week / Father's day

Celebrating Father's and father figures in our lives - Happy Father's Day for Last Sunday

Thank you God for fathers and father-figures in this world
and for the many ways they support and inspire us to become,
in our own unique circumstances, leaders for the world you desire.

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Communication for Families - Events Calendar

Events Calendar view has been changed.

After receiving feedback about viewing the calendar online, we have had our web developer change this to a weekly default for easier viewing.
Please visit the calendar for events:


Keeping up with the Events.

We have also begun a "Weekly Events" post on Facebook on Sunday evenings. We hope this will keep you abreast of the happenings a Rosary School.

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Absentee SMS service

We are pleased to advice that we have implemented a mobile phone messaging system to communicate student unexplained absences to parents/guardians.

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Numerical Acumen Challenge 2020

Rosary School has again performed exceptionally well in the Numerical Acumen Challenge for 2020 and we would like to congratulate all students from Years 2- 6 who were involved. This program aims to improve the accuracy and speed of students in recalling basic number facts as well as learning to use their brain as a calculation device.

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Year 5 News

The Year 5's have been busy learning about electricity and circuits for STEM this term.

We are slowly working towards creating our own electronic games such as Operation. We are also really enjoying coding with Ozobots.

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News from the Counsellor

RU OK? day, Thursday 10th September 2020, is a national day which calls people to action by asking them to pause and check in with those around them.  2020 has been a particularly challenging year and has resulted in feelings of disconnection and increased worry.

Creating a sense of connection is one effective strategy we each can do to help guard against the onset or further development of mental health problems.  One way to meaningfully connect is to ask "RU OK?”, listening to the answer and knowing what to say next.  As they say, a conversation could change a life.

R U OK have developed some excellent resources to help guide you through the four simple steps of checking in with someone, along with a conversation guide and helpful community resources for those needing support - https://www.ruok.org.au/how-to-ask

By being a part of the solution, you are helping to reduce the stigma associated with mental health problems and help seeking behaviour.

While wellbeing matters every day, please take the time to check in with others on Thursday.

Mary Superina, Student Counsellor

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 This week featuring Roblox

NOTE: Although Roblox is primarily for children, without permission from a parent or legal guardian the app is deemed 18+. ROBLOX APP

FACTS 8+ Age Rating Challenges in this APP: The purpose of the game is for players to interact and make friends with one another.

This is achieved by wandering around the online world to stop and talk with other players.


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Kiss & Drop Zone

Please let us remind you that once again there have been some issues with the “kiss & drop” zone on Gladstone Road.  Please remain in your car if using this area.

With a large amount of  cars using the street, some cars are lining up (parking) illegally, going around the corner onto Prospect Road.

Please remember that If the line around the corner is full you must not stop in this area.

It is very important that you do not park on any of the yellow lines ( it blocks the view of drivers and monitors at the crossing), and certainly do not gesture for your child to get in the car from the middle of the road.


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P & F News


Restrictions due to COVID-19 have presented challenges with running our regular initiatives for the students like ‘Hot Chocolate Friday’.  The P & F have been working on ways to adapt to regulations so that we can continue to deliver exciting initiatives for the students and Rosary community to enjoy.

The biggest initiative this term will be our school disco....  

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Casual Day to support ONE = ONE Feed a Friend Fundraiser

Our Rosary School SRC have been busy organising this event.

On Friday 18th September, the children are welcome to wear casual clothes and bring a Gold coin donation.
This money will go towards helping children in rural and remote Australia to ensure they have breakfast each day.

KIDS HELPING KIDS To help students in rural and remote communities have enough to eat, the Feed Appeal is launching the One=One campaign so Australia’s school communities can be part of the solution. One=One means $1 will provide one meal to feed a hungry student in a regional or rural school. Read more here

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Get Active in the Spring School Holidays

Winter hibernation is over and it’s officially time to get outdoors and Get Active! City of Prospect is inviting young people aged 5 – 16 years to participate in Councils first sports program during September School Holidays.


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Book Week 2020

This year the Children's Book Council Award (Book Week) will be celebrated on the 17 - 23rd October. We will be celebrating Book Week with an assembly on Friday 23rd October which is in Term 4 week 2.
This year's theme is Curious Creatures , Wild Minds.

Please dress up in your favourite book character.

There will be more details to follow closer to the date.

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Enfield Little Athletics Club

Our season will kick off with our annual Come & Try day on Sunday September 20th. Refer the attached flyer for more information.

Please feel free to share with anyone who you think may be interested.


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Staffing Update

Anna Varsos is taking long service leave for three weeks and Samantha Whitton is replacing her. Louise Rullo is on long Service Leave for four weeks and Pam Fulton is replacing her.


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