Week 2 Term 1 2023

Dear Rosary Community
Welcome to 2023! I am absolutely delighted to have welcomed 65 new students to our school community and 37 new families. The excitement and joy of students returning to school, reconnecting with friends is infectious and I have had a fabulous first two weeks visiting classes each day and engaging with children in class and with parents before and after school.
As I have moved through classes I have seen children share with teachers their expectations for 2023. Teachers have invited students to answer questions like - “What do you need/expect from me as your teacher?” The children are also setting some expectations of each other, discussing “How can we work co-cooperatively in this class?”
Term 1 began with lots of excitement – basketball at Mars stadium commenced on Monday 30th January – our pupil free day and this week children in Years 3 and 4 have participated in the Department of Education Swimming program. School excursions and after school sports rely on parent volunteers and I encourage parents to register to be a recognised volunteer at Rosary School. Please speak to Margaret Moshos in the front office who will support you as you complete the Catholic Education volunteer requirements.
Last year over 120 children at Rosary School participated in an after school sport activity. I thank every coach and team manager for their commitment to provide opportunities for our students. It is important that children in primary school have the opportunity to explore physical activities and a variety of sports. We encourage all children to participate irrespective of ability and the role of volunteer coaches and team managers is to provide a safe environment for children to begin to engage in team sport competitions. Being a primary school volunteer coach requires the skill to leave behind the “need to win” and to focus on providing every child with an equal opportunity to have a go and learn in a safe and welcoming environment. Rosary School has a code of conduct for coaches, parents and spectators. As we begin 2023 after school sport, I invite all of the school community to familiarise themselves with our After School Sport - Code of Conduct.
After School Sport-Code of Conduct.pdf
A special note for Reception parents, your child/ren will soon be invited to join a Rosary School soccer team. Games commence in Term 2 at St Clair Oval on Woodville Road. We will need to nominate teams in Term 1. Late registrations are tricky to accommodate – with team placement and late registration fees. Keep an eye out for information about school soccer - it is a great way to spend a Saturday morning and make wonderful school connections!
Our redevelopment plans have been approved by the Council Assessment Panel. I thank all parents for their support and particularly want to acknowledge the parents who participated in this process by providing representations for the redevelopment. The Hall has been nominated for State Heritage. The Heritage SA Council will meet on 16th February. Following the outcome of this meeting we will then be able to share with the community our next steps.
Our School AGM and Strategic Planning evening will be held on Tuesday, 21st March, 2023 at 7.00 pm. All parents are welcome to attend. We are also inviting people to nominate for the School Board. The school board does not require a huge commitment. There are two meetings each school term. If you wish to nominate for the School Board please email karin.skinner@rosary.catholic.edu.au Information about the role of the School Board can be found on Catholic Education South Australia’s website: schoolboards.cesa.catholic.edu.au .
Please do not hesitate to speak with me if you require any additional information.

Click on the link below:

What a wonderfully positive and uplifting start to the year we have had at Rosary School. There is a wonderful positive buzz amongst the staff, our students are happy (with occasional tears) to be back at school and amongst their friends and our parents seem equally content about life at Rosary. The key to a happy school community is alignment between students, parents and staff in terms of the shared values that unite a community. Our values as a Catholic Christian community underpin all that we are and truly unify us as members of this school community.
For the 2023 school year at Rosary School, we are focusing on the Dominican Pillar of Community this year and our school theme is ‘United as One.’ This year, we are all challenged to be the best people that we can be for the greater good of all members of our school community. Our hope for 2023 is that with all members of our community committing their very best, our school will become stronger day by day. We will be united as one in every aspect.
The biblical passage that we have selected as our focus passage for 2023 is form St Paul's Letter to the Romans and we believe it perfectly articulates and reinforces our commitment to being united as one.
"For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us". (Romans 12:4-6)
We had the vision towards the end of 2022 to create our own community artwork that accurately reflected our goal 'United As One'. Ms Withey worked with all of current Year 6 students to produce the artwork below. All students were asked to produce an image that reflected the theme and I hope you agree that they completed the task, as a cohort, to the highest possible standard. This image will be central to our work this year as we unpack the meaning and relevance of our school theme in 2023.
Stephen Campion

Families who would like daughters or sons to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Confirmation or First Holy Communion this year will be able to find all of the relevant details now on Seesaw.
The Parent Information Evening will be held at Blackfriars School on Thursday February 23 at 6pm.
Please follow the guidance from Fr Paul on Seesaw regarding dates for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation in 2023.

On Shrove Tuesday, we will be making and serving pancakes to all students from 8am until recess. If any parents are willing and able to assist in this community event on February 21, please email me on stephen.campion@rosary.catholic.edu.au
Families are advised that we would appreciate students making a gold coin donation to Caritas for Project Compassion when they receive a pancake.

3MP “United as One”
We are a community of learners who bring many gifts and talents to our classroom.
Akein: My gift is my family because they love me so much. I love soccer too. ⚽️ |
Alessandro: I am good at soccer; I play right wing for Metro. ⚽️ |
Alex: I am good at soccer; I play for the school and I’m good at every position. ⚽️ |
Alexia: My gift is netball; I play centre and my mum is the coach. 🏐 |
Cat: Cat is on a family holiday, and we can’t wait to welcome her to 3MP. 😊 |
Christian: I am very good at soccer because I play like Ronaldo. I play left wing and score lots of go️ |
Isla: I like to sing, and I am good at it. My voice can go high pitch and low. 🎤🎶 |
Ivy: I am good at soccer, and I play for Rosary School. ⚽️ |
Jack: I am good at soccer. I like play defence because it is fun. ⚽️ |
Leia: I’m good at singing to my family. 🎤🎶 |
Levi: I like to play soccer and score goals. ⚽️ |
Lucas: My gift is Mathematics. I do times tables and I’m also good at addition. 🧮 |
Mila: My gift is singing, and I like singing to people because my voice is very sweet. 🎤🎶 |
Milana: I am good at soccer. I play goal attack and I stop the other team from scoring goals. |
Mohsin: My gift is soccer because I’m good at it. I play defence and I stop people from scoring goals.️ |
Mune: My gift is soccer because I play like Messi. I’m very fast and I score lots of goals. ⚽️ |
Oriana: My gift is dancing because I am very flexible in all kinds of ways. I do calisthenics. |
Sophie: I like gymnastics because I am good at bars. I can do tricks like flips and jumps. |
Thomas: My gift is surfing because I can do a 380, that is when I stand on the board and then flip to the other side without falling. 🏄 |
Tom: My gift is being a goalie for my soccer team. I wear gloves and shinpads. 🥅⚽️ |
Zoe: My gifts are singing and fashion. I am very good at singing the notes. I am very good at choosing my clothes and styling what I wear. 🎤🎶🛍️ |

2025 seems so far away however interviews for our Reception intake begin this year.
- A child turning 5 from 1st May 2024 to 30th April 2025 will commence Reception in 2025.
- Those children eligible to begin in our Mid Year Intake (T3 2024) turn 5 between1st May 2024 and 31st October 2024.
Applications from friends and family are also welcomed. Forms are available from the front office or can be downloaded from our website:
Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
Receptions / Teddy Bear Picnic
SAPSASA Netball Trials
Shrove Tuesday
Qkr! -for lunches & ice block orders

All orders must be purchased before 8.30am .
Late orders that have missed the deadline will need to be made directly at:
Prospect Bakery
144 Prospect Road, Prospect SA 5082
(08) 8269 5088
Please filter any feedback directly to the school front office.
If you have not already done so, click on the link below on how to download the app:
Campus School Wear

Campus School & College Wear
Shop 3, 54-56 Grange Road Welland
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday 9:00AM-5:30PM
Third Saturday of the Month 9:00am - Noon
Telephone number: 8346 0830
Absentee Notification App

Southern Cross Newsletter

To download this months newsletter, click on the link below: