Week 2 Term 2 2022

We ended last term with some wonderful liturgies to acknowledge the events of Holy Week and over the holiday break we celebrated Easter. In many parts of the world, Easter comes in spring. It is the time of year when nature itself brings forth the beginnings of new life. Plants begin to rise from the cold and dormant earth, the leaves begin to bud on the trees and the sun begins to shine. In the Northern Hemisphere, creation itself reflects the glory and splendour of the Resurrection of Christ in many ways – unfortunately for us Easter comes in Autumn and is very different. God speaks to us in many and varied ways, and one such way is through the cycle of nature. As our trees begin to change colour and fall to the floor, we know that following winter new life is certain! During the 50 days of Easter, I hope we are all able to allow the beauty of creation to be a sign of a reality that is infinitely greater. May it be a time we allow ourselves to be drawn into a life sharing in the Resurrection of Christ, rising with Him to become a new creation for our world.
Spanning across the six weeks of Lent each year, Project Compassion brings thousands of Australian schools, parishes and supporters together to raise funds for people living in some of the most vulnerable communities across the world. During the Lenten season the children learnt about many social justice projects that Caritas has been able to support due to the donations made through Project Compassion. As a school community, through the generosity of our families, Rosary School raised over $2,800.00 for Project Compassion in 2022. Your support is helping to change lives today and for future generations.
Thank you

The Master Plan Committee would like to provide the school community with another update on the progress of the Master Plan, which has been developed for Rosary School.
Click below for more information:

It was wonderful to gather at the start of Term 2 for our Mother’s Day Morning Tea. Thank you to our Parents and Friends Committee who put the event together. The Parents and Friends is a wonderful parent group who meet twice a term to co-ordinate community and fundraising events. Our first meeting in Term 2 will be online. An invitation will be sent to the existing Parents and Friends Committee. If you are a new parent and wish to join this meeting please email Lora Papa mailto:lora.papa@hotmail.com and she will ensure you receive an invite to the online meeting. All are welcome.
A special thank you to Jake and Adriana Graziani who generously made and donated the Zeppole and along with other P&F members, the raffle prize hamper for our Mother’s Day Morning Tea. Jake and Adriana run The Saluti Project. The Saluti project is about working in the community – they do event catering and have some great products available to purchase. Check out their website http://www.thesalutiproject.com and keep an eye on their social media pages.

Mother's Day 2022 has been our biggest and best yet. With over 500 gifts purchased at our stall, we are sure mum's and grandma's loved their presents. Our morning tea could not have been made possible without the dedication of Jake Graziani from The Saluti Project for waking up at 4am to cook fresh zeppole and Fresh Bean Adelaide for providing the coffees. A huge congratulations goes to the 6 lucky raffle winners. The generosity from raffle ticket sales has raised $323 for MumKind. We look forward to doing it all again in September, when it will be time to spoil dad.
Our Friday menu will change to hot chocolates for terms 2 and 3. A lactose free (soy milk) option is also available. Hot chocolates are $1 and ordered via the Qkr! app. Sales close each Friday at 8.15am.
Our next meeting will be held online on Tuesday May 17th at 7.30pm. We welcome any new members to attend the meeting. If you would like to become part of the P&F, please mailto:lora.papa@hotmail.com for the meeting link.
With Covid restrictions lifting, we look forward to seeing you at upcoming community events, watch this space for more information.

This week is Catholic Education Week.
Catholic Education Week is about education – celebrating quality teaching and learning across Catholic Education SA.
Catholic Education Week is an opportunity to:
• celebrate the excellent teaching and learning that happens in our Catholic schools every day
• thank the people that make our schools special and work hard Raising Hearts and Minds.
In 2022, we’ve got a particular focus on saying ‘thank you’. Our classes are doing a variety of activities to celebrate this special week and say thank you to all the hard-working people that make Rosary School so special.
Mr Stephen Campion has been appointed as Assistant Principal – Religious Identity and Mission (APRIM) at Rosary School. Stephen is relocating from Queensland and has worked in Catholic Education in Brisbane in senior religious leadership roles. We are excited that he will be joining us on May 26th. I look forward to introducing Stephen to the school community.
Over the past three terms, Seva has been a valuable member of the school leadership team and
I take this opportunity to thank Seva Maitianos who covered the role of APRIM as the Leader of Religious Education.
This term we welcomed Marlo Driscoll as our new Year 5/6 Teacher and Sandra Piscionari, working as Curriculum ESO across Reception to Year 6. I know that they will be made very welcome by our school community.

Art Attack!
In Visual Arts this semester, we have been embracing Asian and Indigenous cultures as we reflect on different artworks and art styles to then produce our very own interpretations. We have learnt many different art techniques within each culture. Our lessons are split into three sections; theory, practical and reflection.
Within the Asian culture we learnt and practiced two different techniques; the Outline and Block Silhouette technique and Chinese Calligraphy.
Here are some of our practice pages and our final art pieces displaying the techniques.
When learning about art within the Indigenous culture, we practiced many different art styles and techniques; X-Ray and Bark art, Rock art, and dot painting connected to Dreaming stories.
We are currently producing our final art piece. Our learning experience is to re-create the front cover for our class novel Boy Overboard, incorporating as many of the techniques we have practiced this semester. We will be completing a reflection on our final art piece as well. Here are some of our art works in progress. Stay tuned to see our final products very soon!!

National Walk to School Day is now in its 23rd year. The annual campaign encourages all primary school children, their parents and carers to walk safety and regularly to school. The objectives of National Walk Safety to School Day are:
- To encourage parents and carers to walk regularly with their children, all or part of the way to school
- To promote the health benefits of walking and create regular walking habits
- To help children develop vital road crossing skills and ensure children up to the age of 10 years hold an adult’s hand when crossing the road
- To reduce car dependency and traffic congestion, especially around schools
- To reduce the level of air pollution created by motor vehicles
- To promote the use of public transport
On Friday morning the teachers at the gate will provide those children who walk to school with a Walk Safely to School Tattoo.

Did you know? It takes 1000 years for sport shoe components to decompose?
Your footwear is sent to the recycling plant for sorting, breakdown and processing. Reusable components including rubber, leather and fibres are reclaimed and used to manufacture gym mats, floors, playgrounds and more!
Check out treadlightly to see all the different shoes they will accept:http://www.treadlightly.asga.com.au/what-we-take/
Some stores that will accept your pre-loved sports shoes include:
Athlete’s Foot Adelaide, Burnside
Rebel Gepps Cross, Marion, Tea Tree Plus and Rundle Mall
Macpac Enfield Hub
Rosary Ecological Awareness and Action Group
Important Dates
Book Club Due
Year 4 Camp
Year 4 Camp
Mathematics Parent Information Session
Public Holiday (Queen's Birthday)
Southern Cross Newsletter

To view this month's Southern Cross Newsletter, click on the link below:
QKR - Lunch Orders

Just a friendly reminder that all lunch orders must be in before 8.30am.
All orders that have missed the deadline will need to be made directly at:
Prospect Bakery
144 Prospect Road, Prospect SA 5082
(08) 8269 5088
Please filter any feedback directly to the school front office.
If you have not already done so, click on the link below on how to download the app:
Uniform Review Committee

A uniform committee is being created to review the current uniform, and whether it continues to serve our students and their environment.
The review is to be undertaken with consultation with the school community; parents/carers, students, teachers. The review will also consider affordability, functionality and durability.
Majority of the meetings (once a month) will be conducted online and majority of correspondence will be via email.
If you would like your voice to be heard regarding our children’s school uniform, please register your interest by emailing Kasia.a.kelly@gmail.com
Kasia (School Board member)
School Uniform Shop

Campus School & College Wear
Shop 3, 54-56 Grange Road Welland
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday 9:00AM-5:30PM
Third Saturday of the Month 9:00am - Noon
Telephone number: 8346 0830
Playgroup 2022

Kelly Sports Term 2 Autumn Sports

For more information, click on the link below :
World Environment Day Sunday 5th June

‘Only One Earth’ is this year’s slogan and ‘Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature’ is the major focus.
World Environment Day is being hosted this year by Sweden.
To discover and see how you can help celebrate, protect and restore our planet:
Find out more on plastic pollution and what you can do
Find out why biodiversity loss matters
Designers Embracing Sustainable Fashion
Climate Action Note – What you need to know
and more, head to: www.worldenvironmentday.global
Rosary Ecological Awareness and Action Group
Federal Election 2022

Education is an important topic at every election. As we head towards the Federal Election on May 21, Catholics are being asked to consider how their vote will benefit the whole community. It is essential that everybody who cares about Catholic schools understands the key issues. A number of resources are available at http://://www.cesa.catholic.edu.au/federal- election.