Week 4 Term 3 2021

Dear Rosary Community
I would like to thank the community for your co-operation with following the current restrictions – wearing masks and encouraging independence during drop-off and pick up. Unfortunately parents are unable to attend whole school assemblies due to density requirements, however we are able to invite parents to year level liturgies and masses. I am certainly looking forward to the restrictions being lifted in the future!
Last night the Year 5 and 6 children competed in the Wakakirri Competition. Their performance was outstanding and I know how proud the teachers and parents were. I particularly want to thank our Year 5 and Year 6 teachers, Annabel Parletta, Maria Boccaccio, Sita Catalano, Andrew Kent and Brenton Campbell for their extraordinary work they have done to organise and prepare the children. Thank you also to Kimberley Slattery for her leadership in the Performing Arts program and work liaising with Ground Force Studio. It was wonderful to receive awards for ‘Best Team Work’ and ‘Most Creative use of the Wakakirri Signature Item’.
Congratulations to all involved!
Schools are busy places and over the last couple of weeks you would have received information about:
Living Learning Leading Survey
Please see attachment to this newsletter and complete to assist in future planning:
LLL Parent Caregiver_Survey
Parents and Friends’ initiatives
- Business Directory
Please send your business details to karin.skinner@rosary.catholic.edu.au
- Fathers Day Gift Stall
Please purchase your gift via the QKR App
- Parents Initiatives in Education Event
Please book your free ticket via the QKR App
- Quiz Night
Tickets and Pizza – please order on QKR App
Every day I feel privileged to be part of such a wonderful community.

Congraturlations Rosary School!
The children were wonderful tonight! An extra special highlight was picking up two awards.
“ Best teamwork award” and “Most creative use of Wakakirri signature item award.”

Each class celebrated Saint Dominic’s Day with a beautiful prayer and reflection. Our Saint Dominic class prayer was an invitation to reflect on how we are called to be like Saint Dominic. This was made even more special as this year marks the 8th centenary of the death of Saint Dominic who died in Bologna on 8th August 1221. To mark this occasion, children were invited to reflect on a beautiful painting of Saint Dominic with his 48 preachers, enjoying a meal together in Bologna where they had arrived during the winter of 1218 and lived for a few months. Coincidently, the quote that accompanied the painting echoed exactly our theme of inclusivity in ‘Together at the Table’ this year. That is,
“We will celebrate Saint Dominic not as a saint alone on a pedestal, but as a saint enjoying the communion of a meal with his brothers, united by the same vocation to preach the Word of God and to share the gift of food and of drink from God.”

We felt blessed today to be able to celebrate our first Liturgy of the term with an open invitation to our Reception families. The theme of our Reception Liturgy was “Let’s Celebrate”. We can follow the lead of our Reception children to let our light shine for others. Thank you to our Reception teacher’s on preparing the students so beautifully.
Our Year 6 students have written a beautiful prayer reflecting on life and their experiences. Through prayer we invite our students to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and God and this is reflected in the Year 6 prayer “A Prayer For You”. Thank you, Year 6, for helping us see life through your eyes.
Click on the link below to access the prayer:
On Sunday 8th August our Church celebrated Mary McKillop. Pope John Paul II declared Mary MacKillop ‘Blessed’ in Sydney Australia in 1995. In 1866 Mary became the first Sister, and Mother Superior, of the newly formed Order of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, the first religious order to be founded by an Australian. Inspired and encouraged by Fr Woods, Mary opened the first Saint Joseph's School in a disused stable in Penola, South Australia. From these humble beginnings her vision grew as she addressed the needs of her day, setting up orphanages, caring for the homeless and providing refuges for ex-prisoners who wished to make a fresh start in life. Mary MacKillop and her sisters were a wonderful example of people who gave shape to the Gospel and took seriously their baptism call to discipleship.

This year the Archdiocese of Adelaide will be conducting a Diocesan Assembly, a gathering of representatives from the various communities within the Archdiocese to discuss the life of the local church and make recommendations for the work and mission of the Archdiocese. Our school will be represented by Susan and Caroline. Your input will help to shape the agenda for the assembly. You are invited to reflect prayerfully with these questions:
(A) What are the challenges and opportunities in your community?
(B) How can we as church best fulfil our mission to be the People of God in this place?
Attached is a video from Archbishop Patrick O'Regan explaining the Adelaide Diocesan Assembly for your interest.
To view: Click here
This week we celebrate Catholic Schools Open Week. At Catholic Education South Australia, we value the intrinsic worth of every individual. The following prayer captures our belief that each child has an inherent goodness that can change the world and it’s our privilege to be a part of their journey.
Loving God,
Guide us to know life in its fullness, to raise our
hearts and minds to know God’s love.
Raise our hearts and minds to be inspired by Jesus,
the Catholic faith and tradition.
Raise our hearts to be loving,
compassionate and respectful.
Raise our minds to be inquisitive,
capable and seek truth.
May we be aware of listening to the stirring
of our hearts to prompt action.
Guide us to respond to the needs of others
and all of God’s creation.
In all our thoughts, words and actions, help us
raise our hearts and minds in creating the
world you desire.
Loving God hear our prayer.

As part of Catholic Education Week the children were asked to think about the following question: How do we raise hearts and minds at Rosary School to the wonder and awe of God, through creation?
Click below for some of our beautiful paintings.

Mark the date in your diaries, Saturday September 18th.
The P&F is excited to host the quiz night at The North Adelaide Football Club Function Room. Tickets are $25 each. BYO nibbles only, drinks to be purchased at the bar.
Jake Graziani from Saluti Alla Familia will be making delicious wood oven pizzas on site, thanks to Locale Woodfire Catering and these will be available via pre-order. Tickets and pizza orders will be available from Term 3, week 1. This will be our major fundraising event for the year and its purpose is to raise enough funds to provide students of all year levels, access to state-of-the art digital technologies. This will support the school’s goal to continue to grow specialisation in this area. We are looking for donations for silent auction items and wine for a wine wall. If you are able to donate, please mailto:pandf@gmail.com In the subject line, please write ATT: Tess for silent auction items and ATT: Catherine for wine donations. We welcome your generosity and look forward to hosting this event.
Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
Book Week Parade
Father's Day Breakfast
P & F Quiz Night
School Photo Day
Book Week Assembly

Please note,
With the current COVID-19 restrictions in place, we will not be able to invite parents to the Book Week Assembly.
Parents will be welcome to watch the parade.
P & F Initiatives in Education Event
Pathways to a Healthy Mind.
You are invited to an unmissable parent event:
Click below for more information:
Southern Cross Newsletter

To download this month's Southern Cross Newsletter, click on the link below: