Week 4 Term 3 2022

Dear Rosary Community
A highlight this week has been the Year 3 students participation in the Robo Cup at St Peter’s College. Robo Cup is a co-operative learning experience that provides a hands-on introduction to the field of robotics. Participating in Robo Cup supports children to develop technical abilities through hands-on experience with electronics, hardware and software. It is a highly motivating opportunity to learn about teamwork while sharing technology with friends – an opportunity for children with a variety of interests and strengths to work together as a team to achieve a common goal.
“There were a lot of people and different competitions. Here was Rescue, Sumo, Spike Sumo, On Stage and Soccer. I participated in Sumo. It was really fun. I was nervous. We battled for five rounds. I don’t know where we placed but I think we did really well. I didn’t know what to expect and I learnt that we need to make our robots stronger”.
Isla – Year 3
“At the start of our competition our robot had trouble because the code wasn’t working. Simon Coad helped us fix it. Our robot was slower. It was a lot busier than I imagined. It was fun. It was good to watch other Rosary teams and cheer them on. Lots of the competitors were older than us”. Grace – Year 3
“Cameron, Jess and I competed in the On Stage competition. We performed to Popcorn by Crazy Frog. We have all competed before. In our first run through everything went wrong. We put all our props in the wrong position. We were able to set up better in the second run through. It was great to have other Rosary students there. It made me nervous. We won again – third year in a row.” Cooper – Year 3
Thank you to our Year 3 class teachers, Sita Catalano, Digital Technologies co-ordinator and Simon and Kim Coad for all their work with our Year 3 children.

Planning for 2023 is well underway and, as part of this process, I require accurate enrolment data to finalise the school structure and staffing requirements. If you are not intending for your child/ren to remain at Rosary School in 2023, please email: karin.skinner@rosary.catholic.edu.au
We are also currently finalising Reception placement for 2024. If you have pre-school aged children, please complete an enrolment form. You can collect an enrolment form from the front office or download from our school website.
Thank you for your support in providing accurate information for our planning.

Mobile phones and smart watches are a valuable tool for promoting the safety of students on the way to and from school. Rosary School aims to provide a happy, safe and stimulating learning environment for all students. We believe that phones and watches should not disrupt the learning.
Mobile phones are handed to the class teacher for safe keeping during the day. Smart watches may be worn and used to tell the time. If smart watches are being used for any other reason during the school day, the student will be required to hand the device to the teacher for the remainder of the day. If the smart watch continues to distract the child during play or learning, parents will be informed.

Thank you to our Parents and Friends’ Committee who organised a wonderful social gathering last Friday evening. I look forward to joining our dads/grandads and special friends at the Father’s Day Breakfast on September 2nd.

As we have now completed the formal part of our preparation for the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion, we are now moving towards celebrating the sacraments with our 27 candidates.
On Saturday August 27, all 27 of our students will be confirmed at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish. First Holy Communion will be received by all 27 students over two consecutive Sundays (August 28 & September 4).
We ask our community to offer a prayer for our 27 Rosary School students who will be completing their Sacraments of Initiation over the next two weeks: Maison, Estelle, Matilda, Eliza, Caterina, Anthony, Amelia, Leonardo, Sebastian, Antonia, Max, Charlotte, Nate, Jayden, Ethan, Isla, Sienna, Alessia, Huynh, Eve, Charlotte, Maritka, Isla, Andrea, Christian, Jake, Cooper and Lewis.

This term we welcomed 5 new additions to our ROC class. Welcome to Abraham, Elijah, Mila, Nicholas and Rosie to the Rosary School Community.
During week 1, we celebrated 100 days of school for our “old Receptions” and 4 days of school for our new Receptions. We dressed in “old style” clothing and commemorated the day by making headbands.
In Mathematics we have been exploring number by playing the Tens game. We have had a lot of fun making ‘bundles of ten” and seeing which team can make the highest number.
In Religious Education, we have been learning about the importance of Prayer and Liturgy. Students have identified that they can talk to and be with God any time any place. We have also looked at different ways to pray. While listening to a story from the Bible the students illustrated how the story about The Light makes them feel.


In between bouts of torrential rain on Friday August 12, the sun shone on all of our Year 5/6 students as well as members of the Rosary School staff as we walked around Prospect to advocate for the positive work that the Hutt Street Centre does for the over 6,000 people who are homeless in South Australia.
The challenges faced by homeless men, women and children in our community are innumerable and it is incumbent upon us to do all that we can to reduce this suffering in our midst.
Our Year 5/6 students were very positive ambassadors for our school community with their impeccable behaviour, as well as their very positive messaging for the work of the Hutt Street Centre.
We also sincerely thank those members of our community who supported the Hutt Street Centre financially during this campaign.
We are very happy to announce that we have sent $865 through to Hutt Street, in support of their work fighting homelessness.

Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
Book Week Parade (Friday)
Confirmation Liturgy (Saturday)
First Eucharist Mass (option 1)
Father's Day Breakfast (Friday)
First Eucharist Mass (option 2)
Responding to Abuse and Neglect :Education and Care

Please let us remind you that if you are an existing volunteer and you Mandatory Notification (RAN) certificate has expired,in order to meet your volunteering criteria, you must complete the update.
Instructions attached below:
Father's Day BBQ Breakfast

Father’s Day is just around the corner. Our Father’s Day stall will be held on Thursday September 1st and the BBQ breakfast on Friday September 2nd. Further details for these events will be sent via school stream in the coming days.
Southern Cross Newsletter

To download this months copy of the Southern Cross, click on the link below:
QKR - (order and pay for school items)

Just a friendly reminder that all lunch orders must be in before 8.30am.
All orders that have missed the deadline will need to be made directly at:
Prospect Bakery
144 Prospect Road, Prospect SA 5082
(08) 8269 5088
Please filter any feedback directly to the school front office.
If you have not already done so, click on the link below on how to download the app:
QKR Lunchorder

Please let us remind you that once you purchase a Qkr! order, you must await a receipt.
We have had many unhappy children as their orders have not gone through as the process was incomplete.