Week 6 Term 1 2021
Dear Rosary Community
I am so excited by the learning happening in our Year 6 classes! The children have been engaged in some fantastic contemporary learning with various digital platforms to create a podcast. They have developed an understanding of how audio data can be represented and presented through a podcast. Students have had great fun using the Green Screen and Keynote to create bright, colourful and appealing Podcast covers. They have used GarageBand to record their voices and create a jingle! I look forward to listening to their Podcasts and hope we can share these with the wider school community.
Last week some staff members began exploring the VR equipment that we have purchased. It was a wonderful afternoon and I felt like I was actually in front of the Taj Mahal when I did a virtual tour of India. In May the Year 5s and 6s will participate in a learning day at Lumination to develop technical skills which they can apply to solve real world problems using “revolutionary extended reality technology”. Students will develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, engage in experiences to enhance their creativity, further develop their communication skills and their ability to work collaboratively.

On the weekend we had a Working Bee to tidy up our school. We have a fantastic new front garden, a tidy staff carpark, 2020 indigenous art displayed, and we removed some unwanted and broken items.
A very big thank you to our one parent volunteer Emma Howison, old scholars Ale and Archie and to the extraordinary staff and their families who supported this community event.
We have had lots of positive feedback about the improvements we were able to make.
There is still plenty of jobs on the list, so if you have a spare hour and would like to volunteer please speak with me on susan.hennessy@rosary.catholic.edu.au

The season of Lent provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the example set by Jesus and how we can make changes in our own lives to be more like him.
If we were knives, Lent would be a time to sharpen out cutting edges.
If we were cars, Lent would be a time for an oil change and a tune-up.
If we were swimming pools, Lent would be a time to filter the dirt out of our water.
If we were gardens, Lent would be a time to fertilize our soil and dig out our weeds.
If we were carpets, Lent would be a time to get power-cleaned.
If we were VCRs, Lent would be a time to clean our heads and adjust our tracking.
If we were computers, Lent would be a time to overhaul our disk drive.
If we were highways, Lent would be a time to repair our cracks and fill our chuckholes.
If we were TV sets, Lent would be a time to adjust our focus and our fine-tuning.
If we were silverware, Lent would be a time to clean away our tarnish.
If we were batteries, Lent would be a time to be recharged.
If we were seeds, Lent would be a time to germinate and reach for the sun.
But we are none of these things:
We are people who sometimes do wrong things; we have to atone for them.
We are people who sometimes get spiritually lazy; we need to get back into shape.
We are people who sometimes become selfish; we need to stretch out of our narrowness and begin giving again.
We are people who sometimes lose sight of our purpose on earth and the immense promise within us; we need to regain our vision.
And because we are also people who sometimes tend to put those things off, we need a special sort of official time to concentrate on doing them.
So, we have Lent. The Easter chocolate will taste sweeter, the Easter flowers will bloom more brightly, the Easter Sunday sun will shine more warmly if we are a better people – and all because of how we spent these forty days.
Wishing everyone a Blessed season of Lent!
(adapted from the South Australian Catholics Facebook page)

As I will be attending the Year 6 camp, we need to change of date of the School AGM.
We will move the AGM to Tuesday 23 March at 7.00 pm.
The School Board invite all community members to the AGM.
The meeting will include the presentation of:
- President’s Report - Fr Paul Rankin
- School Board Report – Chairperson Kasia Kelly
- Principal’s Report – Susan Hennessy
- Parents & Friends Report – Chairperson Lora Papa
- Finance Report - 2020 Financials and 2021 Budget
If you wish to nominate to be part of the Rosary School Board please email susan.hennessy@rosary.catholic.edu.au or karin.skinner@rosary.catholic.edu.au
In the event of more nominations being received than necessary, voting will take place at the AGM. At this stage we have at least three vacancies.

During Week 5 we unveiled to our Year 5 / 6 Student cohort that we will be taking part in the biggest Performing Arts event for Primary and Secondary Schools in Australia – Wakakirri!
Wakakirri is a Story-Dance festival where our students develop a 7-minute Story-Dance made up of dancing, creative movement and acting to pre-recorded music. With the strategic use of costuming, sets, props and lighting all adding to the telling of our Story-Dance. Highlights will include the sharing of our story with the school community, the Show Day involving rehearsals and meeting other schools and culminating with walking onto the Entertainment Centre stage for the final performance!
We will be supported by Ground Force Studios and a collaborative effort with our Year 5/6 students, their teachers and school leadership.
On Friday we gathered together as a whole group for the first time in the Performing Arts space to discuss this exciting and demanding learning opportunity.
The Year 5/6 students viewed the 2020 winning Wakakirri performance as a springboard for discussions and beginning preparations for our performance. They then formed small groups to brainstorm the beginning ideas for our story boards. Here are a few photos from the brainstorming session. We look forward to further updates as the year progresses.

Rosary School Uniforms are now available from:
Campus School & College Wear
Shop 3, 54-56 Grange Road Welland
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday 9.00AM-5.30PM
Third Saturday of the Month 9.00am - Noon
Telephone number:
8346 0830

“Rosary Parents & Friends @ The Cali”
Friday March 26th at 7:30pm
$25 which includes a drink on arrival and nibbles
Tickets are on sale now via www.trybooking and selling fast. This has been a wonderful event to meet and socialise with parents and members of the Rosary community. Due to COVID restrictions, tickets are limited, so please get in early to avoid disappointment. We look forward to seeing you all there.

We are fortunate to have some wonderful instrumental music teachers working in partnership with us at Rosary and supporting our Performing Arts program. Students have the opportunity to receive instrumental music tuition with private tutors onsite at Rosary School, with lessons being held during school hours.
At present piano, violin, guitar and ukulele lessons are offered at Rosary. We have business cards for each of our instrumental teachers available from the front office.
Denise Haddad – Piano and Violin
Won Lee – Piano
John Edwards – Guitar and Ukulele
We currently have a small number of vacancies for ukulele and violin.
We are also seeking expressions of interest for vocal lessons. If there is sufficient interest, we will look to place a vocal teacher at Rosary. Likewise, if there is another instrument your child would like to learn that is not currently available, please send an email through and we can place an expression of interest out.
Please send through expressions of interest to:kimberly.slattery@rosary.catholic.edu.au by the end of Week 8 (19th March 2021).
Wondering about the benefits of learning a musical instrument?
If you are interested in finding out about the many benefits of learning a music instrument – check out this TED talk! https://youtu.be/R0JKCYZ8hng (it's embedded on this page for you to play).
On the 1st of March the Year 5/6 classes went to the cricket carnival and versed other Catholic schools. We played 4 games competing against different teams. It was a fun experience and we got to practise our skills too.
In the games each school had a turn at being a fielder or a batter. The batters were one school that got split into pairs. Each pair batted for two overs. The fielders had to try hard to catch the ball and hit it on the stumps then after a few times doing that they went to different spots. We all had a fun and exciting day we would all love to do a carnival again soon. Jack from 5AK commented that 'at the cricket carnival we all played together and we all got a turn at doing everything so everyone was joining in and having fun. Sophie commented that she 'liked that we got to have a turn at every position like batting, fielding and bowling'.
Layla and Alicia

The sweet, but sometimes-bitter truth about Easter Chocolate
Let’s Make One Change in 2021,
the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour
Chocolate is delicious and people around the world know it. Every Easter Australians spend millions of dollars buying hundreds of kilograms of chocolate to eat and give away.
Australians will purchase over $200 million in chocolate this Easter. A 2018 report by IBISWorld found that Australia’s chocolate spend had risen by $26 million over the previous five years (up to 2018).
But some of this chocolate is tainted by slavery and comes at the cost of a child’s health, education and sometimes his or her freedom. Much of our chocolate is made using cocoa beans harvested by children, often in the West African region. Many of these children are forced into labour. We can help change this.
Where to buy chocolate that is certified slavery-free
Slavery-free chocolate is chocolate that is certified. Look for chocolate with one of the four logos (below) on it – Fairtrade, UTZ or Rainforest Alliance.
There are some slavery-free chocolates available in most large supermarkets and ALDI and Haighs have an extensive range of UTZ certified chocolates and even more leading up to Easter. SHOP LOCAL TOO
Fairtrade Australia and New Zealand has a list of slavery-free certified chocolates.
Find it at:https:///fairtradeanz.org/for-consumers/products/chocolate
BE SLAVERY Free has an Easter Chocolate Shopping Guide with information on what chocolate is slavery-free. The 2021 version of this guide will be available mid-March.
BE SLAVERY Free has an Easter Chocolate Shopping Guide Easter Chocolate Shopping Guide with information on what chocolate is slavery-free. The 2021 version of this guide will be available mid March.

If your child would like to play soccer next term, there are some spots still available.
Please make sure you register via trybooking.com by no later than 19th March.
Coaches and team managers: Thanks for volunteering and please ensure you have completed the entire process.
Sports Committee

New OSHC Director
Rosary are pleased to announce the new OSHC Director, Shona Willis. Shona has been working in the Rosary School OSHC this term and is excited to be commencing in her official capacity as OSHC Director next week. We welcome Shona to the Rosary School Community.

April 12 -23
Our Vacation Care programs encourage children to be involved in a variety of fun and exciting activities, including art, craft, cooking, sport, dance and drama. Children also go on excursions to exciting destinations.
Please see link for the April 2021 Vacation Care Program. Be sure to book in early to avoid disappointment, as numbers are limited.
Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
Clean up Australia
Volunteer Induction Session
Parents & Co @ At the Cali
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Public Holiday
OSHC School Holiday Program

Mount Carmel College Open Day


Click on the link to read this week's Dominews