Week 6 Term 3 2023

Dear Rosary Community
It was a privilege to be at the sacramental celebrations on the weekend. 29 children celebrated Confirmation and First Eucharist – congratulations to all. Thank you to Fr Paul, the parish community and to the parents for the part they played in supporting the children to prepare for the sacraments. Thanks also to Mr Stephen Campion who worked with the parish and families. Thank you also to Bishop Greg who welcomed each child by name and acknowledged the importance of family and the parish community in travelling the sacramental path with our young people.
This week I was organising my ticket to attend the Catholic Schools Music Festival. This is a wonderful event where our Year 5/6 choir students join students from other Catholic schools and colleges to create a large choir. They present a number of songs. In between each set “support acts” are selected. When I was reading the program for the four nights of the Festival, I noticed that Rosary School is the only parish primary school with a support act in 2023. Congratulations to Matilda B – who will sing a solo as part of the choir and after auditioning she was also selected to sing a song as a support act. A wonderful achievement by a very talented performer.
Thanks to the Parents and Friend’s Committee who again support our community by co-ordinating the Father’s Day Stall and Brekky. A wonderful community event to celebrate the gift of our dad’s. Former United States President, Barack Obama said “I’m inspired by the love people have for their children. And I’m inspired by my own children, how full they make my heart. They make me want to work to make the world a little bit better. And they make me want to be a better man.” Dads, enjoy your celebrations on Sunday!

What a weekend it was! As a Catholic community, we had travelled on the sacramental journey with our Year 4 students as they prepared to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion.
At each of our three sacramental celebrations last Saturday and Sunday, Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Church was packed to capacity. Our young people, their parents, siblings, sponsors, grandparents and extended family members enthustistically attended. However, the focus was very much on our young people as they completed their Sacraments of Initiation. In receiving the body of Christ for the first time and confirming their baptismal vows and thus becoming full members of the Catholic Church, they made huge steps in their commitment to their faith life in the Catholic Church.
We encourage our Year 2 students and their families to start the conversation in preparation for their sons and daughters to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation in Year 3. It would also be a good time for our current Year 3 students to start the conversation at home regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation and First Holy Communion in Year 4.
We look forward to assisting you in preparing for these sacraments in 2024.
Stephen Campion
Last week we celebrated Book Week with a "Read to Grow - Inspire" themed parade followed by an assembly.
The costumes were fantastic, evident of a great deal of effort by teachers and parents.
Well done Rosary School!

On Tuesday the choir students took part in a combined rehearsal at Loreto College. They worked with choir director Denise Rothall rehearsing the festival repertoire and sharpening their choreography in preparation for the performance in Week 10. They will perform at the Adelaide Festival Centre on Tuesday 26th September as part of a massed 400 voice choir. They sounded magnificent at the rehearsal! Congratulations to the choir students for their preparation and work so far. We look forward to their performance in Week 10.
This year Matilda 5/6MB has auditioned and been selected to perform the solo “Part of Your World” in the Disney medley with the Festival Choir on Tuesday night. She also features as a festival support act preforming a vocal solo “Waiting on a Miracle.” Congratulations Matilda on being selected and this wonderful achievement.
KImberly Slattery
Performing Arts Teacher

This term, the Year 5/6’s have been extremely busy with Wakakirri, Arch D Podcasting, Become, Walk a Mile and Book Week.
Wakakirri has been a huge highlight for our Year 5/6’s. At the start of Term 2, they started working with Ground Force to create their story about change based on the movie Shrek. Over Term 2 and 3, the students have worked tirelessly to perfect their performance. The excitement was immense on performance day in Week 4, with getting ready into their costumes, having their hair and makeup done and performing on stage. The student's performance was outstanding, earning them many awards on the night, including a state award. The students are very excited to have been invited back to the finals to compete for the national awards in Week 7. It will be exciting to see them back on stage and wish them all the best.
In Term 2, the students worked with James from Arch D to learn the skills needed to make a successful and interesting podcast. Working in groups, they created a script based on the theme, Change. This term, the Year 6 students have been recording their podcasts and then using their editing skills to make them perfect.
It was wonderful to see the students get into the spirit of Book Week by dressing up and joining in the festivities. It was a great day with the parade, the assembly and ending the day with our buddies, reading them a story and completing an activity with them.

Quiz Night Prize
Alex S was the lucky person to win the bidding war for the solar system at the quiz night.
This prize was our biggest prize and donated kindly by AA & F Electrical. Alex will enjoy the savings of her solar system as she produces power all year round, helping the environment and also lowering her electricity bill.
Congratulations Alex and thankyou for your support to our Rosary community.
Stay tuned to the next newsletter as we will be revealing the total money raised for this bi-annual event - we cannot wait to share it with you, I know you will all be excited to hear it. We will also mention our businesses who generously donated to our wonderful event.
Fathers Day
We would like to wish all the dads, grandads, great grandads, step dads or the special people in your child's life a Happy Fathers Day. We hope you all enjoy the gifts from the Fathers Day stall, and come along and enjoy the fathers day breakfast (tomorrow) Friday 1st September (from 8am).
Have a great week!!
Anthony Graziani
President of the P & F Committee
Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
Father's Day Breakfast
Father's Day
Mass of the Roses
End of Term 3
Term 4 commences
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