Week 6, Term 3, 2024
Father’s Day
A big thank you to our Parents and Friends Committee for once again organising the Father’s Day Stall and Breakfast leading up to this Sunday. Their dedication and commitment play a significant role in supporting us in creating a welcoming community at Rosary School.
This event is not just a time to buy gifts but a wonderful opportunity for us to come together and celebrate the important males in our lives—whether they are fathers, grandfathers, uncles, or significant male figures.
We hope they all feel the love and appreciation on this special day.
This term in Digital Technologies, our Year 3 students have designed and built autonomous robots using LEGO EV3 and Spike Prime technologies. Working in small groups, they incorporated various sensors into their creations. The challenge was to program a robot that could locate an opponent, push it out of the boundary, and ultimately be the last robot standing in the arena. The students are to be congratulated in their creative coding and working collaboratively within their teams.
All Year 3 students had the opportunity to test and refine their robots in the Rosary RoboCup Challenge with the best performers moving on to compete in the RoboCup Competition at St Peter's College. Congratulations to all our Year 3 students for their outstanding accomplishments in Robotics! A special congratulations to our Year 3 student Cameron and Year 5 students Cooper, Jess, and Isla—collectively known as the ‘Rosary Bots’. They took home first place in the ‘On Stage Performance’ category with their impressive 90's-themed Mario Kart performance.
We extend our sincere thanks to the Coad Family for their expertise, time, and support, as well as to the parent volunteers for their assistance in these events.
Book Week
Last week we celebrated the Children’s Book Council of Australia’s annual celebration, Book Week 2024. The school community wholeheartedly embraced the theme of ‘Reading is Magic,’ where characters came to life!
A big thank you to Mrs Turner, Mrs Solomon and Mrs Slattery for their efforts and organisation in the lead up to this week. We are also very grateful for all parent volunteers who supported our community so that memorable events like this can happen. It was wonderful to see so many creative costumes from staff, students and families as they embraced this year's theme.
2025 planning
Planning for 2025 is well underway and, as part of this process, we require accurate enrolment data to finalise the school structure and staffing requirements. If you are not intending for your child/ren to remain at Rosary School in 2025, please email karin.skinner@rosary.catholic.edu.au . Withdrawal of a student during a term or at the completion of the academic year requires at least one term’s notice. Failure to provide a term’s notice will result in fees being charged for the following term. This is in recognition of the fact that the school is committed to maintain the employment of teachers on the basis of known enrolments from one term to the next.
Caroline Price
Acting Principal

Many families in our community will have received an invitation via email to complete your Community Portal Account Registration. Once registered you will have easy access to:
- Financial Statements
- Review Financial Transactions
- Make Online Payments
- View your child/ren’s Medical Details
- View your child/ren’s Demographic Information
- View your child/ren’s emergency contacts
Commencing from Term 3, invoices/statements will no longer be sent in the post. Future charges such as camp costs and other extracurricular charges will be invoiced electronically through the portal.
In 2025 we will explore the enhanced functionality of the Portal to provide school news, calendar and other communications.
Thank you to those who have registered and I encourage those who have not, to do so ASAP.
If you are having issues receiving/accessing the Community Portal, please direct your queries to our Business Manager via the following email address: accounts@rosary.catholic.edu.au

Father's Day
In celebrating Father’s Day this Sunday, we remember and honour those men in our lives who are our fathers, or are as father figures to us: those men who, through their open-heartedness, are people of compassionate mercy, who wisely take the message of the Risen Christ into their hearts, who humbly use their strength of purpose to be co-creators with God and who are courageous peacemakers in our troubled and complex world.
Let us thank God for the precious gift of our fathers. Whether our Fathers or our Father figures are still with us, we think of them, we reflect on their contribution to our lives and how they have shaped us.
Loving God, you know how vital fathers are in our lives. Guide our fathers in the sacred role you have given them. We pray for all fathers today. Be with them as they love, care for, and teach their children. In this, your beloved Son’s name, we pray.
Year 6 Faith & Social Justice Leaders
Every second Wednesday, I am very fortunate to be able to spend time to work with our Faith and Social Justice Leaders. We work together to plan and shape all aspects of the Faith Life of Rosary School.
At our most recent meeting, I asked some of the group to write up their thoughts of what leadership means to them and how they see themselves as leaders. They were happy for me to share some of their thoughts with the community. As you read through their reflections, I think you can agree that we are in very good hands.
I believe I am a good leader because I am honest. When I do something when I have made a mistake, I am honest and tell the person that I have made a mistake. I am also a good leader because I am confident and I am not afraid to speak publicly. I am also a good leader because I inspire people and encourage them to do their best and to never give up. I displayed this quality on Sports Day, when I inspired people to achieve their best.
Eliza C
To be a good leader you need to be open-minded. Being open-minded will help you broaden your horizons to new ideas and creative minds. You need to lead with a positive example and become a good communicator. These skills will help you to become a good student leader and make a change in people mindsets.
Dedication is a massive skill to have when communicating and working with a community. If you are leading a community, you need to be dedicated. There are people counting on you and relying on you to lead others. I believe I am a good leader because I show empathy towards others and show respect for others around me. I don’t judge anyone until I really get to know them and see what they are like. In my opinion, I am a good leader because I am very confident and am not afraid to share my opinion on things.
Matilda B
In my opinion, I think a good leader is someone who is respectful, caring, a role-model, patient and confident.
I think this because if you’re a role-model you are someone who others look up to and you lead by example. I think I’m a leader because I show kindness and am I caring towards others. For example, I show kindness if someone needs help. I’ll ask them whether they are okay or whether they need help. I also show care towards others. I show this when a younger student is sad or if someone is a little upset. If they are upset or sad I would most likely go up to them and ask them "are you okay?" I would give them a hug if they were really sad.
Ashlee D
To be a good leader you need to be open minded, respectful, caring and helpful. For example, when someone needs help a leader should be there to help them. A leader should motivate everyone to be their best and to try their best.
Mackenzie K
To be a good leader I believe that there are some main qualities you should possess such as being kind, responsible, being a role model, possess listening skills, be respectful, show empathy and fairness.
A good example is I got a GEM award because I was being respectful and being a good sport by helping and giving advice to some of my peers at sports day. One more example is when I was chosen to be a Faith and Social Justice leader because it shows that I can be responsible and can be a role model so than the younger kids can look up to me.
Caterina C
Stephen Campion

This term 1SM has been involved in many fun experiences and participated in lots of learning opportunities.
At the start of the term, 1SM went on an excursion to the Adelaide Zoo with the rest of the Year 1 cohort. The excursion linked in with our learning in the Science topic 'Living Things'. Students had the opportunity to explore the Adelaide Zoo in small groups and learn about the needs of different animals. 1SM also had the opportunity to participate in an educational program where we met Zoo Keeper, Julia. Julia shared her knowledge of how to make habitats that meet the needs of animals. We even got to make a habitat for an Ocellated Skink called Harriet. It was a great day exploring the Adelaide Zoo!
In Maths this term we have been learning about equal sharing. Students have developed their knowledge of sharing collections into equal groups. During one Maths lesson, students were given a worded problem that asked them to share 20 flowers between 5 friends. Great sharing 1SM!
Finally, last Friday 1SM joined the rest of Rosary School in celebrating Book Week. The day started with a whole school assembly showcasing some amazing performances by students and staff, then we participated in a parade along Prospect Road and finished the day with a buddy catch up with 4CB. 1SM had such a fun day celebrating Book Week!
Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
Mass of the Roses
Last Day of Term 3
First Day of Term 4
School Disco
