Week 6 Term 4 2022

Dear Rosary Community
There is lots of excited children about our school dance concert tomorrow night. Whilst I have seen some practices, I am looking forward to seeing the entire performance at Memorial Gardens.
Unfortunately, I was at Science of Reading Professional Learning yesterday afternoon and was not able to welcome home our SACPSSA Athletics’ Carnival participants. I was delighted to see the photos on Facebook last night and I congratulate all the children for their achievements and participation in this event. Special mention to our Year 3 and Year 4 girls won their age group division. Rosary School was awarded Championship Pennant Athletics Section 6 Girls 2022. I thank Brenton Campbell for all his work in co-ordinating these sporting opportunities for our children and our parent volunteers who make it possible to participate in these activities.
This year there have been some parents concerned about their child’s safety at recess and lunch on the Prospect Primary School oval. Teachers monitor children and the surrounds very carefully. The children inform teachers when balls go over the fence and seek permission and/or support as required to retrieve any balls, even those going into Prospect Primary School.
As part of our Health Curriculum, the Made in the Image of God Curriculum and the mandated Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum, children are explicitly taught about keeping themselves safe. The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum is a child safety and respectful relationships curriculum providing age and developmentally appropriate activities for children and young people from age 3 to Year 12 (age 17+). Attached to the newsletter are the fact sheets for parents:
This curriculum helps children and young people:
- recognise abuse and tell a trusted adult;
- understand what is appropriate and inappropriate touching; and
- understand ways to keep themselves safe.
The Prospect School Oval is a community space and at times there may be occasions where a community member may enter the space without understanding that the land is for school use only during the school day. When this occurs, teachers approach the unknown person and assist them to find an alternate route.
Attached to this newsletter is CESA COVID-19 Vaccination Policy and a memo to all workers in Catholic Education South Australia. “All workers” includes contractors and volunteers. In summary, the Policy, which takes immediate effect, adopts a personal responsibility approach to vaccination, with vaccination being strongly encouraged rather than being generally mandated.
I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow night.

This Sunday marks the beginning of the Season of Advent. Advent marks the beginning of the Church’s new year and is a season of waiting and preparation. The season of Advent focuses on Christ’s threefold coming—past, present and future.
We await and prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ at Christmas. As Catholic Christians, we hope and give thanks for Christ’s presence within us and in the Word and through the Sacraments.
We look to the future, waiting for Christ to come again.
Over the upcoming four weeks (starting on Sunday November 27) we prepare with mounting expectation for the coming of Christ in a spirit of waiting, conversion and hope.
The word ‘Advent’ means ‘coming’. Lighting the four candles on the edges of the Advent wreath symbolises the coming of light (Jesus) into the world. The first candle (violet) represents hope, the second (violet) peace, the third (rose) joy, and the fourth (violet) love. The central white candle is lit on Christmas Day and represents Christ. As we build towards the end of the 2022 school year, we will be focusing our prayer life at Rosary on Advent and work with our students as we pray together for a world full of hope, peace, joy and love.
Dear God, we pray for a kind community,
A place of understanding rather than criticism,
A place of forgiveness, not hate,
A place of apology, not blame.
During this season of Advent, we remember those who are hungry and homeless,
Hoping that as we become more generous and concerned,
We will see less poverty and loneliness.
Ring out the bells of mercy!

It has been very heartening to have been in a number of classrooms since I announced that we would be supporting the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal a fortnight ago. The collection tubs in some classrooms are already full and this is testimony to the generosity of the Rosary School community. If you have not managed to support our appeal to this point, I thought I would remind the community of the item list for hampers that Vinnies has provided us.
The Vinnies volunteers are happy to accept any donations for their Christmas hampers. If you are shopping over the next few days, the items (of any size) we would be very happy to receive for Vinnies are:
- Christmas Pudding
- Custard
- Tinned Fruit
- Tinned Vegetables
- Mince Pies
- Tinned Ham
- Tuna
- Pasta
- Rice
- Pasta Sauce
- Tea
- Coffee
- Cordial
- Long Life Milk
Thank you in advance for your support with this initiative.

On Thursday, 10th November our Rosary School CUA Graduates for 2022 graduated at Bonython Hall at the University of Adelaide. We were so pleased to see so many children graduating especially since there have been many challenges to get involved in activities over the last few years due to Covid. We had 25 students graduate, some of whom were unable to attend, but those who could were full of excitement and joy being rewarded for all their hard work. It was a special occasion for the children to wear graduation robes and be addressed by important members of the University of Adelaide. Thank you to Mr Campion for announcing the names of students and Ms MacDonald for attending and supporting the students, it made the event extra special.
Well done Rosary School CUA Graduates 2022!
Mrs Turner and Signora

In 1EF we have been very busy learning about procedure writing and fractions! After learning about how to write a procedure we had a go at writing one for how to make fairy bread. We did such a good job that we got to follow our procedures and make fairy bread.
In Mathematics, we have been learning about 'halves'. With our buddies we made a 'fraction biscuit' to put our knowledge of fractions to the test.
Thank you to our big buddies for helping us.
SPORTS DAY! We had such a magnificent day on Sports Day, thank you to all our parent helpers and family members who came along to watch and support us on our big day.

Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
End of Year Concert
Year 6 Graduation Dinner
End of Term 4
Back to school
End of Year Concert

School of Languages

The school was initially founded as a secondary school for students from all three sectors. In 2000 the school introduced its first classes for students from Reception to Year 7. Since then our primary classes have continued to grow in popularity and demand.
For more information, click on the link below:
Holidays Art Workshop

Southern Cross Newsletter
