Week 8 Term 2 2023
Dear Rosary Community
Winter has settled in today and not much work happened on our building site. However I was delighted to see the plumbing for the new building popping up from the ground - things are progressing.
It is also wonderful to have access the Rosary Jubilee Centre – particularly for PE in the wet weather. OSHC are enjoying the new facilities. I popped over this morning to see them using the internal servery window making their breakfast and a group of children using the quiet space building Lego.
This week I have had three wonderful messages about children’s achievements.
Matilda 5/6MB features in the production Frozen Jr. Matilda is in the winter cast. Below are the dates – it might be a lovely opportunity to see a musical performed by children and support Matilda.
Alessia and Antonia are currently representing the North Adelaide division in the State SAPSASA Netball competition. I know that on the first day they won all three games. I hope they enjoy playing in the rain today!
Jessica (4CB), Cooper (4CB) and Cameron (2CW) participated in a robotics competition for Spike Prime. They created a robotic creature using only a Spike Prime Kit.
This week Jess, Cameron and Jessica came third, second and first competing against 115 students nationally. I had the opportunity to view their winning video’s this morning.
Well done – your programming was amazing.
Congratulations to these students – and to any other student who are reaching their own individual goals in activities both at school and during out of school activities.
Stay warm.

"After leaving the synagogue he entered Simon’s house. Now Simon’s mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and they asked him about her. Then he stood over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her. Immediately she got up and began to serve them". (Luke 4:38-39)
It has been a numbers game at Rosary School over the last few weeks. Every morning, the conversation starter in the morning between Susan, Caroline and I has been "How many of our colleagues are away this morning?" or "How many students do you think will be away today?"
We have been waiting each morning for Margaret to let us know the magic number..."82"...."84"...."107". The numbers have been off the scale in recent weeks. We know that our young people and our families have been struggling in recent weeks, whether it has been a viral infection, Influenza A or B, COVID or RSV. As the cold spell begins to really bite, many of us have fallen foul of the wide range of infections that appear to be attacking us on all fronts.
It has been no different for my colleagues here at Rosary. The same range of conditions, all played out and being spread in tightly compressed spaces with numerous young people. Many of our staff have been deeply affected by sickness, as our school is obviously just a microcosm of the wider society.
With two and a half weeks to go in Semester 1, we keep pushing forward at Rosary School. All teachers are working to finalise assessment and reports are being completed. The business of teaching and learning continues daily.
I wish all students, staff and families a sickness free last couple of weeks of Term 2, with the anticipation of a rejuvenating holiday period upcoming.
A reminder that we are still collecting (non perishable) items for the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal.
Stephen Campion / APRIM

In 2CW, we listened to the Dreamtime story, ‘How The Birds Got Their Colours’. This story explains how the birds of the land were created and together we discussed the significance of this story to Aboriginal Peoples.
We learnt about Australian artist, Pete Cromer and created a mixed media bird using the techniques of collaging and adding texture. First, we chose a bird to recreate and drew each shape of the bird separately. We then painted our shapes and tried to add texture using acrylic paints.
Next, we carefully cut our shapes out and placed them together to form our bird. We created a collaging effect by overlapping our painted shapes.

Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
End of Term 2
Pupil Free Day
School Photos
P & F Quiz Night
P & F Quiz Night


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