Week 8, Term 3 2021

Dear Rosary Community
I hope you all had a wonderful Father’s Day and were able to celebrate with your families.
This week I am away on Year 5 Camp at Wallaroo. Camps are wonderful opportunities for children to explore new friendships, develop team work and independence. I thank our Year 5 Teachers, Mrs Annabel Parletta, Mr Andrew Kent and Mr Brenton Campbell for their work in organising this experience for the children. I also would like to thank Ms Sara Catalano for her support and attendance at camp.
Last week a small group of students attended the Robo Cup. Mrs Sita Catalano and I were also able to attend to learn more about the competition and develop an understanding about how Rosary School could be more involved in 2022. Thank you to Simon and Kim Coad for their work with our participating students. Congratulations to Cameron, Cooper, Jessica and Barney on winning First Place in the On Stage Experienced section. They were great “Men in Black”.
Our P&F Committee have certainly been busy this week.Thank you to the P&F for organising the Fathers’ Day Stall – I hope all the dads and grandads were delighted with their gifts! I am also very excited about the forthcoming Trivia and Games Night. Tickets are also available for our free Parents Initiatives in Education Event – Pathways to a Healthy Mind. Please book your tickets on the QKR App.
In addition to these events the P&F have also established a Business Directory. This directory is available on the School Website – under the community link. At this stage we only have a few businesses listed. Please send your business information to karin.skinner@rosary.catholic.edu.au who will continue to update the directory with additional businesses as they are forwarded to her.
Recent News

This week all students in Year 3 and Year 4 attended the ANZ Tennis Hot Shots School Carnival at Prospect Tennins Club. This event allowed our students to utilise the skills and knowledge that they have gained throught pariticipating on our Sporting Schools Tennis Clinic held earlier this year.

Last week our Year 1 students celebrated the gift of creation in their Liturgy. The students reflected upon our call to be sustainable and to treat our common home with upmost care and respect. Thank you to Father Kieran for leading us in this beautiful celebration.

Growing with Gratitude in Year 6!
This term in Health, the Year 6’s have been focusing on developing a growth mindset. We have engaged in many learning opportunities from the Growing with Gratitude program which have helped us to deepen our understanding about effective strategies which will help to develop positive and flexible mindsets. In pairs, we are currently creating our own podcasts to share our understanding and feelings about Growing with Gratitude.
We have loved Growing with Gratitude program because…
“They’ve taught me how to talk to myself, be self-disciplined and reflect on what I am grateful for.” - Alissiya
“It has helped me show gratitude and the activities weren’t boring, they were fun and engaging.” - Peeyush
“These lessons have helped us become more grateful for the things we have that we didn’t even realise or think of!” - Charlotte
Let's us remember to begin each day with a grateful heart.

We hope all the dads/grandfathers/special people enjoyed their Father’s Day and all the gifts from the children. It was such a delight to see the children make their gift selections, some knew exactly what to buy, while others took their time deliberating. We look forward to providing the stall again next year.
Final call for donations for upcoming Trivia and Games Night: If you would like to make a contribution to the raffle, silent auction or wine wall, please email rosarypandf@gmail.com or leave at the front office by Wednseday, 15th September. All sponsors will be recognised on the night. We look forward to a great night ahead.
‘Pathways to a Healthy Mind’: Guest Speaker is Dr Tim Nehmy, Wednesday September 15th at 7:30pm. This event is a free but please RSVP via Qkr! by 5pm on Monday 13th September. Due to the size of this event, the presentation has been moved to the Gym.
Masks are to be worn during the presentation.

Congratulations to Year 6 students Ollie and Noah Banasiak on receiving their Black Belt in Taekwondo! Ollie and Noah have been doing Taekwondo for over 5 years participating in more than 1000 classes. Recently they have shown immense dedication and mental strength spending months training for this achievement. Their grading included 100 push-ups, burpees, sit-ups, and squats as well as breaking three boards each.
We are very proud of their amazing achievement well done!
Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
Initiatives in Education Event
P & F Quiz Night
School Disco
Pupil Free Day
School Photo Day

A big thank you to all of our commuity for embracing our new lunch order procedure.
Just a friendly reminder that all orders must be in before 8.30am . All orders that have missed the deadline will need to be made directly at:
Prospect Bakery
144 Prospect Road, Prospect SA 5082
(08) 8269 5088
Please filter any feedback directly to the school front office.
If you have not already done so, click on the link below on how to download the app:
Southern Cross Newsletter

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Kelly Sports Flyer Term 4

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