23 July 2020

Catholic Education South Australia
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News from the Principal

Dear Families, once again, welcome to all our new students and their families who are pictured below……

Transition children.pdf

It was wonderful to see so many of you at the family/teacher meetings this week. These meetings provided an opportunity to meet and discuss goals for the children’s learning this year, as well as share any other relevant information. If you were unable to attend your meeting, please ensure that you contact your child’s teacher so that an alternative time can be made. We are pleased to continue working in partnership with you this semester.

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Catholic Education Disability Support


Catholic Education SA is conducting a Students with Disability Review to identify how Catholic schools across South Australia can strengthen the inclusion, learning and wellbeing of students with disability.
The Review, endorsed by the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools, will examine policies, programs and support arrangements for students with disability. 


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Cyber Safety - Fortnite

In order to support families in helping your children navigate the complexities of online activities, we had the Carly Ryan Foundation run both student and parent workshops in 2019.

We have a link on our website to the website which has all the information you need to keep your child safe. We will feature one app a week in our newsletter to assist you in understanding how they work, the challenges and suggestions around privacy and data. This week we feature “Fortnite”.

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Sports News

Semester 2 PE Program

We thank you for your patience and adaptation to changes in the PE program during term 2 and we are pleased to share with you a busy and exciting term 3 ahead.

Rosary School Sports Day

Sports day at Rosary school is highly valued by our students and families and so we are pleased that we are able to reschedule our 2020 sports day to term 4 (date to be confirmed). The sports day program will run as it was for last year. Following Sports day, it will be timely to review the model of the day with families, students and staff to provide feedback via a survey to inform our planning for 2021.

Alongside our sports day events, our Athletics program will be running through terms 3 and 4 as part of the PE program. Children will be selected for the SAPSASA District Athletics Championships for students in Year 4-7.


A major component of the Physical Education program at Rosary is the ‘gymnastics’ unit. We are extremely fortunate to have amazing facilities and a huge range of equipment to develop skills. The program has 2 components – Movement, skills and development, followed by team skills and presentations.

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Sacramental Program - Reconciliation

Next week, 27 Rosary School children will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. This will be held at St Laurence's Church North Adelaide over two nights. 

Reflections from students who are about to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation....

“To me, Reconciliation means to say sorry to God and everyone. We have been using a ‘Reconciliation Rainbow’ to learn about the colours of Reconciliation. The first colour of Reconciliation is blue and it means ‘belonging’. We learnt that we all belong to special groups.  The next colour is yellow which represents ‘feelings’. We recalled times when we have chosen to do good for others and then recalled times when we have chosen to do things which have resulted in hurt for others. We need to identify people’s feelings. The next colour is red which is ‘choosing’. We choose to do the wrong thing and we choose to do the right thing sometimes. We can choose to be peacemakers or peacebreakers. The next colour is purple and it means ‘forgiveness’. The process of Reconciliation, saying sorry and therefore having a change of heart, is an essential part of our growth. Green is for being a peacemaker. Being a peacemaker means being able to love everyone and everything, understanding that we all make mistakes and forgiving both ourselves and others for our failings. The last colour is gold which means ‘Reconciliation’. We have been on a journey to learn about Reconciliation. We have been using the rainbow as a symbol. The rainbow reminds us that God promised to look after us.”

Vinnie and Megan, 3TM

“To me, Reconciliation means rebuilding trust. For example, when I teased my friend for missing a goal in soccer. He didn’t like it so I said sorry and we rebuilt our trust. I was lucky that he forgave me. I didn’t do it again.”

Matthew, 3TC

We pray for the children and their families as they continue on their journey of faith.

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Green Team is back!

Dear Families,

Now that Covid restrictions have eased, it brings me great pleasure to announce that 'The Green Team' is back.
Pope Francis calls us to care for our common home and for all creation. What a better way to practice this by having children volunteering one lunch time per week to focus on sustainable practices within the school including gardening, recycling and reusing items to make new ones to help our environment and everything in it.


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Prayer of the Week

Loving God

Give us eyes to see the deepest needs of people. Give us hearts full of love for our neighbours as well as for the strangers we meet. Help us understand what it means to love others as we love ourselves. Teach us to care in a way that strengthens those who are sick.

Fill us with generosity so we feed the hungry, clothe the naked and give drink to the thirsty.
Let us be a healing balm to those who are weak and lonely and weary by offering our kindness to them.

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St Dominic's Mass

This year we will celebrate the Feast of St Dominic in a whole-school Mass on Friday, 7th August 2020 at 9:30am. Due to the current restrictions in place, and the Rosary Church being closed for renovations, this will be held in the School Gym and unfortunately parents are unable to attend, unless their child is taking an active role in the Mass.

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Term 3 Year Level Mass / Liturgy times

Masses and Liturgies resume again every Thursday at 9.30am.

These dates are also on our school calendar on our website under News and Evants.

Week 2 Year 4 Mass
Week 3 Whole School St Dominic's Mass (NB Friday 9:30am)
Week 4 Year 2 Liturgy
Week 5 Year 3 Liturgy
Week 6 Transition Liturgy
Week 7 Year 1 and R/1 Liturgy
Week 8 Year 5 Mass
Week 9 Year 6 Mass
Week 10 Reception Liturgy


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