News & Events


Jaxon's Journey

As most of you are now aware, Jaxon in RGL is facing a major health battle.
Jaxon’s cancer has relapsed and returned more severely than he had previously.
In 2017 he was diagnosed with lymphoblastic lymphoma. Months of chemo later and a maintenance regime, the family were faced with more.....
Jaxon’s bone marrow is now filled with 60% of cancer cells which means he now has not only relapsed but he has leukaemia..
Jaxon faces more intense chemo and further down the track a stem cell transplant in Sydney.
Many families face challenges and trauma throughout their lives and it is during these times that as a community, we rally around and do what we can. It is this time for the Kaplatzis family.
Grazia will keep us posted about some activities that she will initiate and will ask for support from parents to help at that time.  Her class and their buddies in 4SC will put together weekly video messages to Jaxon.
On the last day of this term it will be casual day for a gold coin donation. This will be to support Jaxon’s family.
Meanwhile if you would like to help, please visit: