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Building Resilience


FIVE KEY strategies to build resilience:

1. Dig for gold (look for things to be thankful for): In tough times, things to be thankful for can be hard to find, but there is ALWAYS some gold to be found. Children who are regularly practising the discipline of thankfulness or gratitude will be much more likely to find the gold in tough times.

2. Problem solve: Teach children how to solve a problem by breaking it down into the following steps: i) name the problem, ii) think of solutions, iii) try solutions, iv) ask for help if required.

3. Fill your happy tank: Intentionally encouraging children to engage in activities they love will help them navigate through a tough time. It’s about promoting self-care and joy.

4. Get active: It’s essential we teach children about the link between a ‘healthy body and a healthy mind’. Physical exercise provides important sensory input that calms and regulates the nervous system. Cardiovascular exercise also releases a number of ‘happy’ hormones.

5. Keep it in perspective: When they face a problem, it’s easy for children to catastrophise or blow it out of proportion. We can help them to keep it in perspective by considering which part of their life it affects, examining the size of the problem and teaching children that most problems are seasonal and don’t last forever.

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